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Hygiene Measures & Health Tips

To ensure the health and safety of exhibitors and visitors, and in accordance with the relevant guidelines of the HKSAR Government and the HKCEC, all exhibitors and visitors are required to comply with the below measures:


Under Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) Business and Premises) Regulations (Cap.599F), except for those persons whom alternative applies, all attendees are required to scan the “LeaveHomeSafe” venue QR code using the “LeaveHomeSafe” mobile application before entering the exhibition hall.

Under the Vaccine Pass arrangement, except under the exempted scenarios, all visitors who enters or remains on the exhibition hall is required under the law to have been vaccinated in the manner specified in the Direction, unless he/she is an exempted person. For details, please visit the Government’s COVID-19 Thematic Website.

Non-bound traveler holding non-local COVID-19 vaccination or infection record please refer to the path below to obtain the QR code for use in fulfilling relevant requirements under the local “Vaccine Pass”.

Exhibitor / Onsite Staff

In accordance with the latest requirements and guidelines of the HK Government and the HKCEC, and with the directions under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F), except for exempt persons, the exhibitors and their onsite staff must comply with the below requirement, in order to obtain the Exhibitor Badge for access to the exhibition venue during the show period from 24-27 November 2022. Details as below:

  1. Exhibitors/ onsite staff are required to take a RAT for COVID-19 once every three days. That is on the day of Nov 24 & 27, exhibitors are required to provide the photo of the RAT kit showing a negative test result (marked on the RAT kits with the name of the staff and the date of taking the test) at Hall 1E before entering the exhibition hall. Exhibitors should keep the photo of each negative RAT result for three days.
  2. Exhibitors/ onsite staff are required to provide either one of the below proofs to redeem the exhibitor badges:
    1. Exhibitor with vaccinated: Vaccination record of 3rd dose OR 2nd dose if the 2nd dose was done after 28 June 2022 or
    2. Exhibitor with Valid recovery record QR code: Downloaded via www.evt.gov.hk
      (Valid date should be covered the show period, i.e., 27 Nov 2022); or
    3. Exhibitor with Medical Exemption Certificate: Valid Medical Exemption Certificate and a SMS notification issued within 23-27 Nov containing negative result of PCR-based nucleic acid test for COVID-19.

In compliance with the HKSAR Government and the venue requirements, the Show Organiser will keep all test results/ vaccination records for 31 days. In addition, representatives from the government bodies may visit the Exhibition at any time to carry out spot checks. Individuals who fail to comply with the requirements as stipulated in the testing notices will commit an offence and subject to prosecution.

**The above requirement or content will be subject to change by the government.

Entry Procedure

  • Visitors are encouraged to do the online pre-registration in advance, to reduce queuing time and avoid close contact with others.
  • All persons are required to maintain a certain social distance with one another by following the specific spacing marks when queuing inside the venue.
  • Temperature check/ screening will be implemented at the entrances of the Exhibition venue. All persons with body temperature higher than 37.5°C and/or display respiratory symptoms will be not allowed to enter the venue.
  • All persons are required to wear a face mask; persons without a face mask will be denied entry into the venue. (For security reason, all persons must temporarily take off mask for identity verification under instruction of the Organizer)
  • Anyone wearing a Quarantine Order Wristband will be denied entry into the venue and may be prosecuted.
  • For security reason, on-site identity verification will be conducted at checkpoints to confirm the identity of all attendees.
  • The name of all attendees in Chinese or English, their contact numbers and the dates and times of visits will be recorded for tracking and prevention purposes. The Organizer will retain these records for 31 days.

Onsite Facilities

  • In response to Covid-19,“Children Wonderland” will be closed.
  • Partitions will be placed on all service counters to reduce direct contact between staffs and visitors.
  • Specific spacing marks are added on the ground at Registration Counter and queue areas to remind visitors to maintain a certain social distance.
  • Hand sanitizers are available in different locations of the venue.
  • Rubbish bins with lid for disposal of used face masks are provided to avoid spreading germs.
  • Face mask vending machine is available in the venue.
  • Health advisory notices will be posted at prominent locations in the venue and health tips will be released on the show website.
  • First aid station (outside Hall 1A) and Isolation room for sick persons to wait for medical assistance are ready for use during exhibition.

No Food and Beverage

  • According to the updated House Rules of HKCEC, food and beverage items from outside suppliers to the venue are prohibited.
  • Except for the designated dining area (Hall 1E), eating and drinking are not allowed in all areas of HKCEC and the exhibition venue including the booth areas.
  • Catering reservation service and food & beverage service will be provided by HKCEC.
  • Water dispenser is NOT provided.

Cleaning and disinfecting

  • HKCEC have applied Anti-virus Nano Titanium Photocatalyst Coating and antimicrobial surface protectant NDF-Bio75 to exhibition venue and public facilities such as escalator handrails, door handles, lift buttons and glass railings etc., and will be disinfected every hour.
  • Floor mats at the HKCEC main entrances are sprayed with diluted bleach every two hours.
  • Cleaning and sterilization of the venue will be strengthened including venue facilities and washrooms. All washrooms are assigned with attendants during exhibition to carry out cleaning and disinfecting work.
  • Spray disinfectant will be applied to exhibition venue every day after the opening hours, including the booth areas. Exhibitors are requested to put away their exhibits at the end of the day.
  • Venue ventilation is enhanced.

Emergency Plan

  • The Organizer requires all persons registered under their real names, all attendees are required to scan the “LeaveHomeSafe” venue QR code before entering the show venue. The name of all attendees in Chinese or English, their contact numbers and the dates and times of visits will be recorded for tracking and prevention purposes.
  • During the exhibition, if exhibitors or visitors are unwell, they should seek medical advice immediately or report to the Organizer to take appropriate follow-up and protective measures.
  • If it is unfortunately found that a confirmed case has visited the exhibition, the Organizer will immediately contact HKCEC and Centre for Health Protection, thoroughly clean and disinfect the places visited by the relevant person by following the guidelines of the Centre for Health Protection.
  • If an exhibitor is unfortunately found to be confirmed or probable COVID-19 patient, in addition to contacting HKCEC and Centre for Health Protection immediately, cleaning and disinfecting the relevant booths, the Organizer will also cooperate with Centre for Health Protection to work on contact tracing.
  • Isolation room is set up and equipped with face masks, hand sanitizers, tissue and rubbish bins with lid. Sick persons will be handled by qualified ambulanceman.

The above measures will be adjusted according to the latest government regulations. We will keep monitoring the epidemic development and review the existing hygiene measures from time to time. Please stay tuned to our notice and show website for any updates.

Personal Health Tips

  • Perform hand hygiene frequently, especially before touching the mouth, nose or eyes; after touching public installations such as handrails or doorknobs; or when hands are contaminated by respiratory secretion after coughing or sneezing.
  • When having a fever or respiratory symptoms, do not enter the fairground and seek medical advice promptly.
  • Do not enter the fairground if you have been to any overseas countries or areas, or in close contact with any person who is a confirmed or preliminary positive case of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection in the past 14 days;
  • Cover your mouth and nose with tissue paper when sneezing or coughing. Dispose soiled tissues into a lidded rubbish bin, then wash hands thoroughly.
  • Wash hands with liquid soap and water, and rub for at least 20 seconds. Then rinse with water and dry with a disposable paper towel or hand dryer. If hand washing facilities are not available, or when hands are not visibly soiled, cleaning with 70 to 80 % alcohol-based hand rub is an effective alternative.
  • Take a shower and wash your hair when you return home after visiting the fair, and wash the clothes you have worn on that day properly.

Useful Information

Please visit below websites for update information on COVID-19: